African Tourism Board launch on Thursday: More details just released

The African Tourism Board is ready to be launched in Cape Town on Thursday during the upcoming World Travel Market at the Cape Town International Convention Centre,
Conference Theatre.

A president and a CEO will be introduced during the launch event.
The focus of the launch event is diverse and includes Peace, Environment, Investment, Marketing, and Security.

African Tourism Board will be exhibiting at the World Travel Market on Stand AP12

15.30-15.40 Welcoming remarks

Juergen Steinmetz

Interim chairman of African Tourism Board
Chairman International Coalition of Tourism Partners

Introducing the African Tourism Board, Vision, Board Members, African Leaders,
Introduction of the new ATB President

Tourism, Investments & Peace:
It’s a People Business

Dr. Taleb Rifai

Former UNWTO Secretary-General

A special place: Cape Town

Enver Duminy
CEO Cape Town Tourism

A Minister of Tourism Speaks:

Hon. Moses Vikati

Minister of Tourism & Environmental Affairs
Kingdom of Eswatini, formerly Swaziland

Africa Tourism Leadership Forum and Awards


Kwakye Donkor
CEO African Tourism Partner
Ghana & South Africa

The Role of Cameroon Tourism


Francoise Kameni Lele
AFBS Cameroon

Travel & Tourism Security and Safety

Keynote Speaker

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Dr. Peter Tarlow, USA

Travel Security and Safety

African Lung: It’s a launch today

Launch Announcement


Professor Geoffrey Lipman
President International Coalition of Tourism Partners
President SunX
The launch of Africa Lung, the most ambitious travel & tourism climate response program with its central focus on Africa.

Reaching out to Overseas Markets

The US Market Potential: Not only New York or Los Angeles


Juergen Steinmetz, president eTN Corporation
Inbound markets from USA

Chinese Tourists: How to do it


Doris Woerfel, CEO Southern Cross Experience, South Africa
China inbound market for Africa

Travelers from Israel: A huge potential


Dov Kalmann, Israel
Israel inbound market for Africa

Why Indians want to explore Africa


Arjun Mukund, T&A Consulting, Delhi, India
Indian inbound market for Africa

The Road Forward for African Tourism Board

I have a dream!


Alain St. Ange, Seychelles
Former Minister of Tourism Seychelles
President St. Ange Consulting

The Global Trade Show for Africa


Carol Weaving

Managing Director of Reed Exhibition Africa

Travel News | eTurboNews

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