Our Guide To Getting Your Hair Festival Ready

When organising everything you need for a festival, it is crucial to remember your hair care routine, particularly if you are spending a large amount of time in the sun. Not only can this cause damage to your hair that could lead to other issues such as hair loss. Although there are several hair transplant reviews online for those that are looking into this style of procedure, it is crucial to look after your hair beforehand to prevent such a problem. In this article, we are going to look at how you can keep your hair healthy with easy styling for the perfect festival-ready look.

Sea Salt Spray

Caring for your hair at a festival can be difficult particularly if the weather is warm, however, using a sea salt spray can give you the texture that you need in your hair without the need for products that can weight down your hair or make it look greasy. This is key when attending a festival as you want to keep your hair as healthy as possible without causing a vast amount of damage. There may also be no opportunity for you to shower during your time there and therefore a simple way of styling and maintaining your hair is crucial.

Easy Heat Free Styling

Another way to care for your hair is to style it without the use of heat. This can be done by using plats or a high up ponytail keeping it out of your hair without the use of heat. This is great when you are at a festival as you often do not have time for styling. However, finding the perfect style before you leave can prevent you from damaging the hair keeping it safe as well as looking great throughout the course of your stay.

Overnight Styling

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If you are lucky enough to have access to a shower when attending a festival, washing your hair and platting it overnight can help you to achieve effortless waves without causing any damage to your hair. This is great for those that are seeing artists at the beginning of the day as you can get up and go looking great all weekend long. If you have hair that has already been damaged by the heat, this is the perfect way to reduce further damage whilst giving you the style you want for the perfect festival selfies.

UV Protection

The final must-have for getting your hair festival ready is to use UV protection. This will help to keep the hair glossy and hydrated all whilst keeping your hair protected from harmful UV rays. This is crucial when attending a music festival as you will spending long amounts of time in open fields in good weather. This can, therefore, dry out your hair and your skin, leading to damage that can only be reversed over time. Therefore, using UV protection is important as this will help to keep the hair nourished and hydrated and protected, much like sun cream to protect the hair from root to tip.

Whether you are attending a festival soon or are looking to attend one next year there are a number of ways for you to care for your hair with ease. Which will you be choosing first?

About the author

Linda Hohnholz