Countries Approved for Entry into Seychelles

At its last review on the May 28, 2020, the Seychelles Public Health Emergency Operations Centre (PHEOC) identified a number of countries as low risk. In conducting its review, PHEOC considered the following criteria:

  • Magnitude of transmission
  • Trend in outbreak
  • Low incidence of cases
  • Responsiveness of the public health system
  • Advisories from Public Health Authorities
  • Reliability of data

PHEOC recommended to the Public Health Commissioner that the following countries could be designated low risk.

Risk assessment is dynamic, and the list of countries will be kept under constant review and may be amended.

  1. Australia
  2. Austria
  3. Botswana
  4. China
  5. Croatia
  6. Greece
  7. Hungary
  8. Israel
  9. Japan
  10. Luxembourg
  11. Mauritius
  12. Monaco
  13. Namibia
  14. New Zealand
  15. Norway
  16. Slovakia
  17. Slovenia
  18. Switzerland
  19. Thailand

The PHEOC has also examined the progress of the epidemic in other countries and identified the following countries where the epidemic appears to be under good control and, therefore, recommended to the Public Health Commissioner that entry from these countries could be considered with effect from mid-July 2020.

The PHEOC will continue to monitor the situation in these and other countries to further advise the Public Health Commissioner.

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  1. Albania
  2. Bosnia and Herzegovina
  3. Bulgaria
  4. Cyprus
  5. Denmark
  6. Estonia
  7. Finland
  8. France
  9. Germany
  10. Ireland
  11. Italy
  12. Latvia
  13. Lithuania
  14. Malta
  15. Netherlands
  16. Serbia
  17. South Korea

More news about Seychelles.


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About the author

Linda Hohnholz