World Life Experience – Travel, Discover and Share with the World – TOP Experience

Both Portuguese, both entrepreneurs,Pedro Tinoco and António Coelho Dias represent the private company TOP EXPERIENCE, lda., headquartered in Lisbon, Portugal, and responsible for promoting and organizing the event in connection with the World Life Experienceproject.

Also executive directors of the program, they believed that it would be possible to develop a sustainable project which would allow for linking the commercial side of a project with an impactful theme to a social responsibility project with a very active social role.

It all begins with an idea by António Coelho Dias.

“I was searching for an idea that would have a truly positive impact on society,” explains António Coelho Dias

“It was an idea that still needed to be matured and an enterprise that would not have made any sense without my friend Pedro Tinoco,” adds António Coelho Dias.

“When António first discussed the idea with me, I knew right away that it had enormous potential for engaging people and that it would have the desired impact on society. I immediately told him that together we could develop and implement this great idea,” explains Pedro Tinoco.

“We launched the project in April 2017 and although we knew there would be public interest, we were not expecting the international media attention it is getting right now. There has been tremendous interest in participating in the project, both from candidates and prospective partners, and we are ready for the strong involvement. But as with most things in life, we have had to adapt to this escalation and public acceptance, so we apologize to the public for the delay in some of our responses,” adds Pedro Tinoco.

“We´re very happy, we are bringing to life a great event and a truly global project,” explains António Coelho Dias.

“In addition to the experience in-and-of-itself, we also want to help and we want to show that it can be done with support from the public. We could make all of this happen without the element of social responsibility, but that would not have made any sense to us”. The project will surely leave its mark in all of the destinations where World Life Experience will travel too,” the founders add.

“The whole process was only possible because of the support we received from our operational partners who came into the project so openly and willing to help. We created a professional and exempt selection process, content that reflected our DNA and a communications process that allowed us to communicate and present the project to the public. We chose great companies and people to help us,” added the founders.

The World Life Experience team is prepared to provide a real experience to the group of participants and to fulfil all of the objectives set out.

“Public response has been huge and very positive. We are very grateful to everyone,” added the founders.

PhotoPedro Tinoco and António Coelho Dias – Founders and executive directors of the project World Life Experience.


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“As with all projects, there are also criticisms. We acknowledge this criticism, and to those who have questioned – yes this is a real project and we can only answer that the projects are implemented by people and materialized by a team who will ensure that the group has a great experience and bringing to the people an unparalleled event. A real project that will come to fruition,” added the founders.

“We have received millions of emails and messages and there has been much interaction on our social media, and that’s very positive. But there some questions regarding the project, its existence and objectives and the relationship with partners and NGOs, leading many to contact our partners with questions.”

“So we had to make some decisions with our operational partners, specifically to avoid their being contacted by hundreds of people with questions regarding the organization of the event, as has been happening, which is why we have omitted 3 of our operational partners from our site,” explains Pedro Tinoco

“This project is open to the world, with clear objectives and our operational partners are embodied by people and naturally, forged with the Portuguese branches of the companies and brands that are involved, which is why we acknowledge some of the criticism on social media.”

“To be absolutely clear, despite the media attention the project has garnered, some of our partner’s branches in other countries have no knowledge of the partnerships which have been created and therefore, in one instance or another, they may mislead some of the public.”

Transcriptions of email responses given by some of our partners headquartered in Portugal, naturally confirming our relationship, have been provided to the press. 

The founders also explain that their relationship with NGOs have arise from the fact that they selected them as recipients of a donation totalling approximately 30% of the revenue from the event’s registration fee.

 “We chose NGOs which we thought were interesting choices in view of their areas of action and mission and because we want to help. The best way to do this was to involve those who wanted to join the project, and it made sense to do it this way. The companies which promote local experiences and the brands connected to the project’s activities are creating partnerships with us using interesting partnership models which also include social engagement. The donations we receive are given to the NGOs we have selected, on a weekly basis, and in accordance to the registrations we receive. We will be publishing all of this soon, all of this soon including all of the donations we have made” explains Pedro Tinoco.

Find out more about World Life Experience: 

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