Top 5 Tourism Tips for Being a Responsible Visitor in The Gambia 2018

Are you visiting the Gambia for the first time? Here are some tips to make a few changes in your habits to be a more responsible visitor.
· Learn a phrase or two of the local language
The Local communities will always prefer if you try to converse in their language even though English is widely used in the resort areas.  Even though most of the people in the Gambia are friendly, when you talk in their language, they will feel you are one among them and will be very happy.  There are several local languages being spoken in The Gambia including Mandinka, Wolof, Fula etc.
· Learn about local culture
The Gambia is mostly a Muslim country so it’s better to acquaint yourself with local culture and traditions to show the respect when away from resort areas.  Whenever a local festival is happening, make sure you go ahead and join in.  If you do so, The Gambia people will be ecstatic that you are really interested to participate and want to learn more.  This will thereby improve the rapport between people.
· Respect the wildlife and environment
The Gambia is a home to nearly a large number of incredible wildlife, mainly birds.  It is not recommended to feed any wild animals like monkeys etc because this will indeed become a problem as the animals will see humans as a source for food and later it will be a problem for the local community.  Also some foods might cause health related issues for the animals.  So, acting responsibly will help to protect the natural beauty and wildlife for future generations to relish.
· Preserving water
Water is not only vital to the existence of life on planet Earth, but in its purest form, it is a giver of good health.  In modern days water is often taken for granted.  It is important to avoid wastage when on trip to The Gambia.  Below are the few ways to preserve water:
1. Use a pan or bowl of water to rinse your fruits and vegetables
2. Don’t allow water to run while you wash dishes by hand.
3. Turn off dripping taps.
4. Don’t run the water while you are brushing your teeth
5. Reporting any leaks immediately.
· Spend money wisely and try the local dishes
Make sure that your money benefits the wider local community by buying local products, having food in the local restaurants and using local services.  Be sure that you try the local dishes as it is traditional and fresh and can be found in many of the restaurants.  Make sure that you don’t buy items made of ivory, reptile skin or any other products sourced from endangered species.

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