SONIFI Health Reveals Data from Nine US Hospitals Comparing HCAHPS Scores Pre- and Post-Implementation of Its Patient Engagement Solution

LOS ANGELES, Feb. 20, 2018 /PRNewswire/ — SONIFI Health, a leader in interactive patient engagement and education technology, today revealed data from a year-long study of nine U.S. hospitals, comparing HCAHPS scores pre-and post-implementation of its technology solution. The scores were made available on the CMS Hospital Compare database (

HCAHPS scores, critical in determining provider reimbursement, improved significantly across all surveyed categories post-implementation of SONIFI Health. Notably:

  • Medication Education scores increased by up to 11.32% and on average 7.10%
  • Doctor Communication scores increased by up to 6.41% and on average 2.23%
  • Nurse Communication scores increased by up to 5.33% and on average 2.36%
  • Recommend the Hospital scores increased by up to 8.96% and on average 4.47%
  • Overall Rating scores increased by up to 12.93% and on average 5.36%

In addition, six of nine hospitals improved their “Recommend the Hospital” scores from below State and National Averages to above average, post-implementation of SONIFI Health.

The nine observed hospitals were: Sutter Health’s Eden Medical Center; UConn’s John Dempsey Hospital; Mayo Clinic Health System Franciscan Medical Center – La Crosse; John D. Archbold Memorial Hospital; Fairbanks Memorial Hospital; North Memorial Medical Center; Phoebe Sumter Medical Center; Williamsport Regional Medical Center; and Wentworth-Douglass Hospital.

“These findings demonstrate SONIFI Health’s measurable impact on improving patient experience, health outcomes and hospital productivity, with notable results in as short as 12 months post-implementation,” said Bob Sullivan, General Manager at SONIFI Health.

SONIFI Health’s interactive technology delivers content and services that aid in-patient recovery and care across multiple touch points: in-room interactive television, tablets, digital whiteboards, and other on-site displays. It integrates to EHR and clinical tools to improve patient care and care team productivity.

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About SONIFI Health
SONIFI Health delivers interactive technology proven to improve patient experience, health outcomes and hospital productivity. The system is delivered across multiple technology platforms including mobile devices, computers and televisions at the bedside and in the home to improve patient and family experience while increasing hospital operational efficiencies. For more information, visit

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