Power of community shines through IMEX America learning program

Free education covers the power of storytelling, shared values and human nature

According to the Dalai Lama: “Without the human community, one single human being cannot survive.” The importance of community resonates throughout the learning program at IMEX America, November 9-11, with sessions covering the power of storytelling, shared values, and human nature.

The wisdom of the Dalai Lama is well known to journalist Sharad Kharé who hosted and documented him, along with some of the biggest names in Hollywood, business, and culture, as part of his role as co-founder of Human Biography. Sharad will deliver a workshop on storytelling and the lesser-known skill of storylistening. In a second session, “What is your legacy?,” Sharad will lead participants through an interactive interviewing exercise encouraging others to consider how an individual’s story can shape their legacy.

Sharad Kharé, Co-Founder of Human Biography

TED-style talks hone in on human nature

Human Biography is one of three organizations delivering quick-fire TED-style talks during the show. These talks center around different aspects of human nature. Dear World is an organization geared towards helping teams – from sports stars to business professionals – to quickly forge deep-rooted bonds. Their story-telling method is backed by science and the team explains that “studies have shown that finding positive meaning in past events links to a wholistic sense of self and great life satisfaction.” Joining them are TLC Lions founded by Gian Power who left the corporate world after a family tragedy and built a community. The result is a global group of incredible individuals – “lions” – who share their stories, battles and triumphs in order to support and inspire others. Gian explains: “I’m on a mission to make workplaces more emotionally inviting, places where you trust those around you, where teams feel more like second families. It’s not only the right thing to do but it’s a business imperative and directly links to individual and business productivity.”

A strong core which unites communities is shared values – not demographics. That’s according to David Allison, founder of Valuegraphics. An expert in consumer behavior, David is an advisor to global brands and a leading advocate for discarding outdated demographic stereotypes. In an exclusive Headliner session for IMEX America attendees, he will reveal the results of a ground-breaking study exploring event attendance and engagement post-pandemic. This is followed by a series of workshops during the three days of the show including one described as “part-game show, part workshop” designed to connect the dots between core human values and innovative values-driven event design ideas.

Global event producer Melissa Park also takes a fresh approach to rethinking events in the changed business climate. In her seminar Reconstructing the in-person event she will advise on how to blend the energy and excitement of a live event with a smooth and safe experience, sharing lessons from music producers.

Timely education designed for all learning styles

Carina Bauer, CEO of the IMEX Group, explains why the theme of community is so timely: “There’s now a renewed recognition of the importance of building community. For many in the industry, the show represents a unique opportunity to meet with colleagues and partners who they have not seen in almost 2 years.  We want to give our attendees the chance to reconnect and boost their skill set, with the tools to create their own communities at their own meetings and events. We’ve, therefore, shaped our learning program around exploring different elements of what it means to build and be part of a community – and our learning sessions are spearheaded by some inspiring individuals with incredible stories to tell.”

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The free learning program at IMEX America launches with Smart Monday, powered by MPI, on 8 November and continues with a series of workshops, hot topic tables and seminars during the three days of the show – all designed to address different styes of learning.

IMEX America takes place November 9-11 at a new venue – Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas – with Smart Monday, powered by MPI, on November 8. Register interest here.

For more details about accommodation options and to book click here.


Media Contact: 
Emma Blake: [email protected]

About the author

Linda Hohnholz