LOS ANGELES, April 13, 2018 /PRNewswire/ — The project “Cine Para Todos” (Movies for Everyone), created by MinTIC Colombia, received recognition at the fifth edition of the North Hollywood CineFest with the Innovation and Inclusion Award. This award acknowledges the project as the most innovative technology that will serve the greater good for the public in the world of entertainment.
“Cine Para Todos” is a social inclusion project that allows people with visual, auditory and/or cognitive disabilities to enjoy studio and independent films at major movie theaters free of charge. Part of their program is the development and free distribution of a smart phone application that syncs to the movie in the theater and provides closed captions and sign language for the hearing impaired, and an audible description of the action for the visually impaired. This project deserved recognition for the positive impact it brings to the quality of life of people with disabilities.
The NoHo CineFest awards show took place at the legendary El Portal Theater on March 30, 2018. CineFest gave two other special awards in addition to the Innovation & Inclusion Award. A “Humanitarian” award was presented to Walter O’Brien, Executive Producer of CBS’s hit television show “Scorpion,” for his donated time and expertise to advise, provide intelligence to, protect the identities of, and execute anti-kidnapping and anti-human trafficking missions for over a decade. The “Visionary Artist Award” was presented to Siddhali Shree, Director of “Stopping Traffic”, a documentary about human trafficking.
An annual international film festival event located in North Hollywood, California, showcasing short and feature films from around the world and offers awards for excellence in filmmaking. The festival was founded by Gustavo Sampaio, an award-winning editor and TV producer as well as an independent filmmaker.
North Hollywood CineFest has established itself as a premier event for independent cinema from all over the world. For more information visit nohocinefest.com.
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The Ministry of Information and Communications Technology is the entity in charge of designing, adopting and promoting the policies, plans, programs and projects of the Information and Communication Technology in Colombia. Among its functions is to increase and facilitate the access of all inhabitants of the national territory to Information and Communication Technologies and their benefits. This entity is led by the Minister of Information and Communications Technology David Luna Sánchez.
View original content:http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/north-hollywood-cinefest-honors-mintic-colombia-and-their-program-cine-para-todos-with-the-innovation-and-inclusion-award-2018-300629366.html
SOURCE North Hollywood CineFest