Jamaica Tourism Minister, Hon. Edmund Bartlett (seen right in the feature image), leads a discussion with Reggae Sumfest organizer and CEO of Downsound Entertainment, Joe Bogdanovich (seen left in the feature image), about this year’s staging and the future of the festival. Bogdanovich shared that he and his team are considering taking the Reggae Sumfest brand into overseas markets.
In keeping with this, Minister Bartlett emphasized that as Sumfest’s strategic vision becomes clearer, the Ministry would be better positioned to plan and provide support towards the festival’s success.

Minister Bartlett (seen in the above image 3rd from the right) and Joe Bogdanovich (seen in the center) were joined by a team from the Ministry of Tourism and its public bodies, which included (from left to right) Executive Assistant Tricelle Powell, Advisor Paige Gordon, Director of the Tourism Linkages Network Carolyn McDonald-Riley, Jamaica Tourist Board (JTB) Communications and Public Relations Manager Fiona Fennell, and Joey Bogdanovich from Downsound Entertainment.
The Jamaica Ministry of Tourism and its agencies are on a mission to enhance and transform Jamaica’s tourism product, while ensuring that the benefits which flow from the tourism sector are increased for all Jamaicans. To this end it has implemented policies and strategies that will provide further momentum for tourism as the engine of growth for the Jamaican economy. The Ministry remains committed to ensuring that the tourism sector makes the fullest contribution possible to Jamaica’s economic development given its tremendous earning potential.
At the Ministry, they are leading the charge to strengthen the linkages between tourism and other sectors such as agriculture, manufacturing, and entertainment, and in so doing encourage every Jamaican to play their part in improving the country’s tourism product, sustaining investment, and modernizing and diversifying the sector to foster growth and job creation for fellow Jamaicans. The Ministry sees this as critical to Jamaica’s survival and success and has undertaken this process through an inclusive approach, which is driven by the Resort Boards, through wide-scale consultation.
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Kingsley Roberts
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Ministry of Tourism
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Kingston 5
Tel: 920-4926-30, ext.: 5990
Cell: (876) 505-6118
Fax: 920-4944