MICE access – The Channel Manager of the MICE industry

MICE Access

The “MICE Channel Manager” MICE access acts as a white label provider for agencies and
enables them to take the online route.

The “MICE Channel Manager” is used by various types of agencies. The basis for this is the
unique RFP tool. Thanks to effective RFP processes, even complex conferences can be
planned within a few minutes.

More than 17,500 hotels and locations worldwide are available to the provider for group and
conference enquiries. The complete inquiry, offer, and booking process takes place online in the
“White Label Version” or via the unique JSON interface to your own platform.

What are the advantages of MICE access for agencies?

A big advantage of MICE access is the convenient handling of the platform. It can be operated
intuitively and is completely self-explanatory. There is no need for training. Thanks to a
transparent overview, all offers are presented to you in a comparable way.

As a white label provider, MICE access enables agencies to take the online route. However, the
platform does not have to be used exclusively but can also be used as a supplement.

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With the help of the interface to a technology partner, up to 10 rooms can also be booked
directly online. More than 500,000 hotels with live availability are available for live bookings

The selection of the different locations is large. From classic to unusual, there is something for
every taste. As a “White Label Partner” of MICE access, you can obtain all hotel data via the
JSON interface, no matter from which area. Here it is also possible for providers to build their
own portals.

For more information, contact: MICE access GmbH, Tel.: +49 (0) 40 209322110, Fax: +40 (0) 40 209322114, Mail: [email protected]

Visit: https://miceaccess.info/en/partner

About the author

Linda Hohnholz