WASHINGTON, April 13, 2018 /PRNewswire/ — WD Lab Grown Diamonds, a Washington DC-area company that grows diamonds in a U.S. laboratory, announced that in February one of its diamonds withstood a record-setting 600,000 atmospheres of pressure in a scientific study at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
Water and ice are not only key ingredients in daily life but are also major constituents of the outer planets in the solar system. To study the structure and properties of ice at such extreme conditions requires high pressure and neutrons. Such studies are only possible with large lab grown diamonds.
The diamonds were part of a neutron diffraction experiment for the study of light elements under extreme pressure conditions using neutrons. Dr. Reinhard Boehler, a research scientist at the Carnegie Institution for Science, together with his team at Oak Ridge, used a six-millimeter diamond anvil supplied by WD Lab Grown Diamonds.
“The pressure range for large sample volumes, for example required in Neutron Science, have been very limited due to the use of conventional pressure devices,” Boehler said.” On the other hand, the use of diamond anvil cells for this branch of science was hampered by the high cost of large diamonds as well as frequent premature failings. Withstanding a record-breaking amount of pressure, the 6 mm diamond grown by Maryland-based WD Lab Grown Diamonds takes on the kind of pressure found deep inside our planet.”
“This groundbreaking experiment will help lead to new fields of research that didn’t exist before diamonds were grown in a lab,” said Yarden Tsach, chief technology officer for WD Lab Grown Diamonds. “And now that they are, our company is proud to be growing these diamonds to help researchers break scientific barriers. We see great promise in both our gemstone markets as well as in the high pressure and scientific fields. This is just the latest example of our ongoing innovation in lab grown diamonds.”
About WD Lab Grown Diamonds
Based in the Washington, DC area and founded in 2008, WD Lab Grown Diamonds produces some of the highest quality Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) diamonds in the gem stone market. It is the leader in quality, service, and capability in CVD diamonds. The company also offers new technologies and applications for diamonds in industrial settings. WB Lab Grown Diamonds is the exclusive licensee of the single crystal CVD diamond growth technology developed by The Carnegie Institution of Washington. Visit www.wdlabgrowndiamonds.com.
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View original content:http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/lab-grown-diamonds-enabling-new-scientific-breakthroughs-300629550.html
SOURCE WD Lab Grown Diamonds
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