Important Safety Tips to Visit chit wan Jungle Safari

Chit wan National park is one of the most beautiful and largest national parks of Nepal, known as the home of 7 various kinds of forest and jungle. It has been declared world Heritage in 1984. It is located in the Terai lowland of this country, 150 kilometers away from Kathmandu, it can be reached by the flight, road or train. This park is the home of an innumerable of wildlife and breathtaking scenery. If you are planning to visit this national park, you should choose a complete Chitwan Jungle Tour Packages fully equipped with world-class amenities and tight security concerns. Here are some important tips to make your trip happy and successful.

Important Safety Tips to Visit chit wan Jungle Safari

Important Safety Tips to Visit chit wan Jungle Safari

Wear the Dress for Comfort Not For Fashion

All safari local guides will suggest guests to wear the dark or neutral colored clothing for better reasons.  During winter, the icy fog falls in the air long into the day as well. So, it is very important suggestion for tourists to wear a warm jacket and a complete set of thermals especially for the nighttime.

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The local safari guides of Chit wan national park are highly trained and experienced. Many of them are natural lover or seeker and their passion and dedication to the protection and maintenance of the park is very clear to see. It makes sure that you should maximize your time with them and don’t be afraid to ask questions.

Don’t wait for Tigers or Lions

The greatest time of the year for blemishing tigers or lions is the April and May, the dry season when the tigers became visible to pick the benefits of the watering holes and rivers. Small mammals like wild boar, deer, mongoose and monkeys are viewed on an hourly basis and it is not common to come back from safari having not caught a sight of a rhino. Doing all these activities is really interesting but before booking any package, you should see into our affordable Chitwan Jungle Safari Packages. This is especially for you when you have no idea about the tour.

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