GRANDVIEW, Mo., April 16, 2018 /PRNewswire/ — Grandview C-4 School District student, Chayanne Sandoval-Williams is one of Grandview High School’s shining stars in its All-Girls Engineering program. Sandoval-Williams has been nominated for the FIRST Robotics Team’s Dean’s List Award. As a result she gets to travel to Houston to attend conferences, speak with college representatives, and she has a chance to be one of the 10 international Dean’s List Award recipients.
Grandview High School Junior Chayanne Sandoval-Willams
“I am so honored and excited to have won this award,” said Sandoval-Williams. “I couldn’t have done anything that I have done without the amazing support of my family, friends, teachers, and administrators. Thank you all for believing in me and providing me with opportunities that have surpassed my wildest dreams,” said Sandoval-Williams.
Sandoval-Williams is just one success story of the Grandview C-4 School District’s push to encourage girls to get involved in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math through classes like its all-girls Introduction to Engineering class.
“I went from having 3 girls in my 20 plus students in my engineering class, to having all girls in my 20 plus engineering classes. We all became very close over the course of the year,” said Sandoval-Williams.
The class was created in response to the demand for more females in the engineering field. Sandoval-Williams’ future plans include going to college and double majoring in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering. The all-girls engineering class continues to be one of Grandview High School’s most sought-after classes with a goal to create confident college and career ready girls with the knowledge needed to achieve their goals and become competitive members of the global economy.
“I have picked out Carnegie Mellon as my #1, Massachusetts Institute of Technology as my #2 and Missouri State of Science and Technology as my #3. I am hoping in the future to work for either Microsoft, Google, or Amazon in their software development group, specializing in Virtual Reality.”
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In 2015 the Grandview C-4 School District started the class through its partnership with Honeywell and Prep-KC.
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