Four kinds of emotions you can witness in Wonderla

It’s always quite a sight with the plethora of emotions you will find and probably feel yourself when you’re in an amusement park especially in Wonderla. So, let’s have a look at the most prominent emotions you will find at Wonderla.

Wonderla Amusement Park


Well this is the most commonly noticed feeling that one experiences at an amusement park and that’s a sure when they are in Wonderla. From all the land rides to the high thrill rides in Wonderla, you will notice this emotion raging all over the vicinity of this theme park. No matter how hard you try, you cannot escape the emotion of excitement when you’re at Wonderla.


One of the biggest and most enjoyed emotion you will find here at Wonderla. This emotion is triggered through togetherness of families, friends and colleagues getting on rides and having a memorable time all only at one place, Wonderla. It’s the best emotion you can ever feel and will keep you off your worries, stress and all forms of negativity.

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Relax it’s not what you think it is. It’s the emotion that few people show who are scared to get on rides because they think that it could end their life. But let’s reassure you all that Wonderla stands for safety first which means that all the rides out here are tested and safe. So now that we’ve given you the assurance, give it a shot and get on a ride. We assure you that it will change your entire perspective on thrill rides.


This is an emotion of satisfaction evoked at the Wonderla resort after one has had a great time at the part, had a sumptuous meal and the service one receives at the resort. This is the most satisfying emotion that will make you feel like you’ve seized the day. So, when you’re buying a Wonderla park ticket, make sure to include a stay at the resort as well.

Now that we’ve mentioned the five emotions, it’s your turn to find out what emotion will you feel when you’re at Wonderla. Regardless of the emotion, we can assure you that you will have the time of your life right here at Wonderla!

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