Bartlett Named Governmental and Institutional Travel and Tourism Ambassador

Jamaica Tourism Minister, Hon. Edmund Bartlett (seen right in photo) receives his Governmental and Institutional Travel and Tourism (GITT) Ambassador Award from Chairman and CEO of Tourism Optimizer Platform, Diego Fuentes Díaz, who identified and defined GITT as a new concept within the Tourism Industry.

Governmental and institutional travel is an important niche market within the tourism industry that promotes attractive professional opportunities with an evident future projection.

The Jamaica Tourism Minister was awarded on December 2, during a meeting with Díaz in Madrid, Spain, to discuss a possible partnership with the Global Tourism Resilience and Crisis Management Centre to develop the world’s first Tourism Resilience Barometer. The barometer will measure the resilience of destinations and determine their ability to respond and recover effectively from crises.

Minister Bartlett is currently in Spain attending the twenty-fourth session of the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) General Assembly. He is scheduled to return on December 5, 2021.


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About the author

Linda Hohnholz