Next time you find yourself in an airport wishing you could be anywhere other than the terminal you are pacing, fear not. On top of the five choice spots listed above, here are nine more airports where a bonus beach escape waits: Chicago O’Hare International Airport, Illinois: Ohio Street Beach; Miami International Airport, Florida: South Beach; Los Angeles International Airport, California: Marina Del Rey; Sangster International Airport, Montego Bay, Jamaica: Doctor’s Cave Beach; Honolulu International Airport, Hawaii: Ala Moana Beach Park; Punta Cana International Airport, Dominican Republic: Playa Bavaro; Barcelona–El Prat Airport, Spain: Barceloneta Beach; Athens International Airport, Greece: Edem Beach and Toronto Pearson Airport, Ontario, Canada: Sunnyside Beach. For more details and’s complete list of top airports for a bonus beach escape, head to
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In 2011, Cheapflights became part of the privately owned online travel search and inspiration network, Momondo Group.
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