CALGARY, Alberta, May 29, 2018 /PRNewswire/ — Longview Aviation Asset Management (LAAM) of Calgary, Alberta, Canada, is pleased to announce Bridger Aerospace Group (Bridger Aerospace) of Bozeman, Montana, USA as the first multiple-aircraft launch customer for the Viking CL-415EAF “Enhanced Aerial Firefighter” conversion program.
Bridger Aerospace Group Founder & President Tim Sheehy (3rd from left), and Bridger Co-Founder and Chairman Matt Sheehy (far left), join Longview Aviation Capital Chairman David Curtis (2nd from left), and Longview Aviation Asset Management Chief Operating Officer Robert Mauracher (far right) to sign the purchase agreement for Viking CL-415EAF Enhanced Aerial Firefighting aircraft at LAAM’s facilities in Calgary, Alberta. The CL-215 aerial firefighter photographed here is one of…
Proposed livery of Bridger’s CL-415EAF Enhanced Aerial Firefighter. The Viking CL-415EAF Conversion Program offered through Longview Aviation Asset Management is based on the Canadair CL-215T conversion program, and will incorporate modern upgrades and address obsolescence issues impacting the worldwide fleet of CL-215 & CL-415 aircraft.
Proposed livery of Bridger’s CL-415EAF Enhanced Aerial Firefighter. The Viking CL-415EAF Conversion Program offered through Longview Aviation Asset Management is based on the Canadair CL-215T conversion program, and will incorporate modern upgrades and address obsolescence issues impacting the worldwide fleet of CL-215 & CL-415 aircraft.
Bridger Aerospace has signed a firm aircraft purchase agreement with LAAM for up to five Viking CL-415EAF aircraft, with the first two aircraft scheduled for delivery in early 2020 timed to support the 2020 aerial firefighting season in the United States, and the remaining three aircraft delivered in subsequent years.
To initiate the CL-415EAF program, eleven specially selected CL-215 candidate aircraft will be supplied by LAAM and undergo the modification process at LAAM’s Calgary facilities utilizing Viking supplied conversion kits. LAAM expects to employ nearly two-hundred technical and support staff members in the coming months, and is currently working with the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT) to develop innovative technologies and provide assistance in support of this program.
With the execution of the aircraft purchase agreement, Bridger’s Founder & President Tim Sheehy stated, “We are pleased to be the launch customer for LAAM and Viking’s new Enhanced Aerial Firefighter aircraft program. Bridger has continually positioned itself on the forefront of next generation aerial firefighting techniques and this is yet another step in that direction. We look forward to receiving these aircraft to combat the ever-increasing wildfire danger in the United States, and we believe that the CL-415EAF aircraft is an ideal platform for that mission.”
Robert Mauracher, Chief Operating Officer for LAAM, commented, “We are very excited to be partnering with Bridger Aerospace as the first international launch customer for the CL-415EAF program. Bridger’s recognition of the benefits offered by an amphibious aircraft to protect the environment and local communities throughout the United States is a key indicator of the suitability of the CL-415EAF for the US firefighting market, and we look forward to working together in the development of these aircraft.”
LAAM converted CL-215 aircraft will form the basis of the Viking CL-415EAF aircraft, complete with a new integrated digital avionics suite, Pratt & Whitney PW123AF turbine engines, increased fireretardant capacity, and improvements to numerous aircraft systems.
The Viking CL-415EAF represents the evolution of the type, providing best-in-class water drop performance utilizing the higher delivery 2-door water drop system combined with a zero-timed maintenance program and factory-supported warranty program. All obsolete components impacting the worldwide fleet of CL-215 & CL-415 aircraft will be replaced in the CL-415EAF, and the upgraded aircraft will be designed to failsafe FAR 25 certification criteria with no preset life limit.
The very short scooping distance of the CL-415EAF aircraft will outperform competitors from initial attack to sustained major fire suppression, and the combination of safety and longevity represents exceptional value inherent in purpose-built aerial firefighting amphibious aircraft.
The completed CL-415EAF aircraft is the only aerial firefighter with factory OEM support offered by Viking’s Customer Service & Product Support division, including management of all Continuing Airworthiness, warranty items, in-service engineering, initial provisioning, as well as offering Viking’s M+ all-inclusive maintenance support program. All improvements and obsolescence issues addressed by Viking for the CL-415EAF aircraft will become the new aircraft production standard should Viking elect to launch the manufacture of an all new, next generation CL-515 multi-purpose amphibious aircraft.
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About Bridger Aerospace:
Headquartered in Bozeman, MT Bridger Aerospace is a leader in the Air Attack segment of the aerial forest firefighting sector. Bridger operates air attack, aerial imaging and aerial survey aircraft across all 50 states and is an awardee of the first UAV Operations contract for US Wildfire Response. Bridger and its predecessor companies have been flying in support of the US forest fire fighting sector since 2002. For additional information, please visit
About Viking Air Limited:
Headquartered in Victoria, BC, Viking is the global leader in utility aircraft services, and the manufacturer of the world-renowned Series 400 Twin Otter. Viking is the Original Type Certificate holder for all out-of-production de Havilland aircraft, DHC-1 through the DHC-7, and provides exclusive spare parts manufacturing and product support for the legacy de Havilland fleet. In 2007 Viking launched the Twin Otter Series 400 production program, and to date new Viking aircraft have sold to 30 countries worldwide.
In 2016, Viking acquired the Type Certificates (manufacturing rights) for the Canadair CL-215, CL-215T, and CL-415 aircraft. With this transfer, Viking assumed responsibility for all product support for the global fleet of 170 aerial firefighters.
Viking is managed by Longview Aviation Capital and forms part of the portfolio of a prominent Canadian family investment firm that maintains a long-term investment horizon and is one of the leading investors in the Canadian aerospace industry. For additional information, please visit
About Longview Aviation Asset Management:
Longview Aviation Asset Management Inc. (LAAM) was established in 2016 to provide attractive financing and lease options, as well as trade-in aircraft capabilities, for aircraft supported and manufactured by Viking Air Limited (Viking).
In 2018, LAAM, in partnership with Viking, formally launched the CL-415EAF “Enhanced Aerial Firefighter” aircraft conversion program. The CL-415EAF combines the proven performance of the CL-215 airframe with modern upgrades to create the next generation of the world’s only purpose-built aerial firefighter and multi-mission amphibious platform.
For additional information, please visit
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SOURCE Bridger Aerospace Group
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