Dr. Runels Helps Vampire Procedure Providers Protect Women by Blocking Infringers

FAIRHOPE, Ala., May 15, 2018 /PRNewswire/ — Dr. Charles Runels, of the Cellular Medicine Association, the owner of the registered trademarks VAMPIRE FACELIFT, VAMPIRE FACIAL, VAMPIRE BREAST LIFT, ORGASM SHOT, O SHOT, VAMPIRE O-SHOT, PRIAPUS SHOT, VAMPIRE M SHOT, M SHOT, and P-SHOT, announces the following update on his enforcement activities against infringers.

As is known, Dr. Runels licenses other medical providers to use his trademarks for PRP therapeutic procedures, but only subject to quality control measures to which all licensees agree. This ensures that both providers and patients will continue to trust in the quality of services performed under these trademarks. Due to the nearly instant success and popularity of the VAMPIRE FACIAL and VAMPIRE FACELIFT procedures first launched by Dr. Runels in 2010, including the media attention that surrounded the launch, Dr. Runels has been forced to employ a full-time staff to identify and stop providers who use any or all of his trademarks without license (i.e., infringers).

To date, Dr. Runels and his staff have identified several hundred infringers throughout the country, all of whom receive communications from Dr. Runels to stop using his trademarks. This is an ongoing process. Internet advertising has made Dr. Runels’ trademarks ubiquitous because of the sheer number of legitimate licensees who hold the authority to use the mark (in that regard, as of this date, Dr. Runels has approximately two thousand licensees who are authorized to use his marks). This widespread authorized use, in turn, has made it that much easier for infringers to attempt to “blend in with the crowd.”

While it is obviously not an easy task to contain these illegal uses, Dr. Runels estimates that he has already stopped 400 unauthorized users. He will relentlessly follow-up with those whom he has identified as infringing and to whom he has sent cease and desist letters. Dr. Runels encourages licensed providers who are aware of anyone using any of Dr. Runels’ trademarks without authority to please help by informing Dr. Runels immediately. They may do so by accessing his website at CellularMedicineAssociation.org/report-imposter.

Providers may also first check to see if Dr. Runels and his staff have already identified such infringer(s), since Dr. Runels has recently added a page to his website that lists all of those who have been identified and contacted about their infringement.

Dr. Runels would also like to inform licensed providers that one former provider and licensee, Dr. Lisbeth Roy of Boca Raton, Florida, has petitioned the United States Patent and Trademark Office to cancel Dr. Runels’ trademarks. Dr. Runels is vigorously defending against the allegations set forth in Dr. Roy’s petition, almost all of which Dr. Runels denies as simply untrue. A copy of Dr. Roy’s petition, along with Dr. Runels’ detailed answer, is available on Dr. Runels’ website under the heading “current litigation.”

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SOURCE Cellular Medicine Association

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