FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla., April 10, 2018 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — Big Brothers Big Sisters of Florida unanimously selected Broward County mentor Myra Camino as Big of the Year for the State of Florida for her commitment to her mentoring relationship despite battling stage-four breast cancer. Camino, chosen from 15,000 mentors statewide, is now in contention for the National Big of the Year awarded by Big Brothers Big Sisters of America. The national honor will be announced later this month.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Florida unanimously selected Broward County mentor Myra Camino as Big of the Year for the State of Florida for her commitment to her mentoring relationship despite battling stage-four breast cancer. Camino, chosen from 15,000 mentors statewide, is now in contention for the National Big of the Year awarded by Big Brothers Big Sisters of America. The national honor will be announced later this month. She is pictured with her Little Sister Saleen.
“In spite of a whirlwind of aggressive treatment, medications and doctors, Myra has maintained a fully-committed, caring relationship with her Little Sister Saleen,” said Ana Cedeno, President and CEO of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Broward County. “She looks to the future and celebrates life with a broad smile, positive attitude and contagious enthusiasm.”
Camino’s ebullient personality perfectly complements Saleen’s shy demeanor, with whom she has been matched for five years. Their special bond started when Saleen was six years old, the year Saleen lost her father. Though deeply saddened, Saleen worked through the trauma with Myra’s help.
“She has a quiet strength, and the loss of her dad didn’t stop her,” said Camino. “She’s an overcomer, although she hasn’t yet realized how strong she is.”
Camino’s fortitude came into play when she discovered the lump in her breast when her son was 18 months old. Her doctor told her not to worry about it – it was probably a clogged milk duct – and to wait six months for her breast milk to dry up before going to have it checked. Because of the doctor’s lack of alarm combined with insurance issues, Myra didn’t go for testing until eight months later. The doctor informed her that she had stage-three breast cancer that had spread to her lymph nodes. She immediately started aggressive chemotherapy followed by multiple surgeries and radiation. Unfortunately, the cancer spread to her spine upgrading her to the stage-four diagnosis. The good news, however, is that the treatment worked. While no one is considered cured of stage-four cancer, she has no evidence of disease.
“I will have this for the rest of my life,” said Camino. “It’s treatable but not curable. At least I’m alive.”
And living – with a huge positive attitude spiked with amazing faith – is what Camino does. She takes care of her two young boys and husband. She works part time at Big Brothers Big Sisters of Broward as a client advancement coordinator, is an active community ambassador and supports the organization financially, despite towering medical bills.
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“The disease didn’t get the best of Myra – or the best of her match with Saleen,” added Cedeno. “She was and still is committed to the match, in spite of the scary diagnosis and surrounding circumstances.”
Not letting life’s tumult disrupt her relationship with Saleen is a testament to Camino’s commitment to the 11-year-old, to her love of children – and to the Big Brothers Big Sisters’ organization. Saleen is her third Little Sister. She has been a mentor for more than a dozen years, covering the two mentoring relationships prior to Saleen.
About Big Brothers Big Sisters of Broward County
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Broward provides children facing adversity with strong and enduring, professionally supported, one-to-one mentoring relationships that change their lives for the better, forever. The organization partners with parents, guardians, volunteers and others in the community and holds itself accountable for each child in its program achieving: higher aspirations, greater confidence, better relationships, educational success and avoidance of risky behaviors.
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