Simba Information: 3 Important Trends to Know about Future-Ready Schools

ROCKVILLE, Md., March 19, 2018 /PRNewswire/ — If education is indeed the passport to the future, then the schools of tomorrow are poised to take the U.S. education system in new and exciting directions. According to Schools of the Future, Part 1: Content and Curriculum, a recent report by market research firm Simba Information, future-ready schools—i.e. schools rooted in the 21st Century Learning Framework—reverse the student and teacher roles as students lead their own progress through a unique learning path, while teachers become mentors and guide.

As part of this unique learning path, students are immersed in an educational framework that encompasses learning and innovation skills; life and career skills; key subjects; and information, media, and technology skills. This results in an educational experience that is cross-disciplinary, personalized, and hands-on, with an emphasis on real-world applications. Curriculum, technology, and the physical space of the school building all inform and support one another.

In its analysis of the schools of tomorrow, Simba identified several key trends. Here are three of the most compelling:

About the Report

Schools of the Future, Part 1: Curriculum and Content is the first forward-looking part of Simba’s two-volume analysis on the topic of future-ready schools. The report focuses on the changing curriculum needs of future-ready schools—from 21st century learning models to personalized learning and multi-age learning to the changing roles of teachers and librarians—and the changing demand relating to instructional materials, including OER, assessments, robotics, and other technologies. Publishing later this year will be the second part, Schools of the Future, Part 2: The Physical Space, which focuses on the new physical spaces for learning—the changing school environment, both for new construction and the redesign of existing space—that are being implemented to facilitate the future-ready learning experience.

For more information on Simba’s new report, Schools of the Future, Part 1: Content and Curriculum, visit: or call 888.297.4622 or +1.240.747.3091 (Int).

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Please direct all media inquiries to:
Karen Meaney
Senior Analyst, Education Group
Simba Information
240 747-3055
[email protected]

SOURCE Simba Information

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